Fueling Big ideas

Investing in visionary teams revolutionizing their industries with capital and operational backing.

V o l v e C a p i t a l i n v e s t s i n d i g i t a l f i r s t c o m p a n i e s d i s r u p t i n g t h e i r r e s p e c t i v e i n d u s t r i e s . B u i l t a n d b a c k e d b y e x i t e d e n t r e p r e n e u r s , w e b e l i e v e a n i n v e s t m e n t g o e s b e y o n d c a p i t a l . I n a d d i t i o n t o f u n d i n g , w e s u p p o r t o u r p o r t f o l i o c o m p a n i e s o n o p e r a t i o n a l t o p i c s , t h r o u g h o u r t e a m o f O p e r a t i n g P a r t n e r s , i n c l u d i n g a r e a s s u c h a s d a t a , t e c h , g r o w t h a n d p e o p l e .

Our focus


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We are focused on investing in ambitious founding teams. We understand that in the world of scaling up, success hinges on having a powerhouse squad with an entrepreneurial mindset – agile, highly skilled, and totally aligned. With our own experience as entrepreneurs, we know firsthand that founders are the driving force behind success.


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It’s not enough to simply invest money in the earliest stage of a venture. To thrive in the market, they need hands-on, expert support, too. We, as entrepreneurs offer this hands on support through our broad network of operating partners and our network of investors


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Our focus lies on companies that create meaningful impact, aligning with our mission to foster positive change while achieving financial success. Investing in these companies not only yields returns for our investors but also addresses urgent social or environmental issues. By backing ventures committed to impact, we endeavor to contribute to building a more sustainable and equitable future for everyone.

Here to disrupt

The people who make it work

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Maurits Hovius – Founding Partner
goede joost (1)
Joost Bijlsma – Founding Partner
nieuwe collega
This could be you

Our portfolio

We strongly believe in the people behind the company. Our portfolio consists of diverse founding teams, from first-time to serial founders – we’ve got your back!

“Volve’s support goes beyond financing; their commitment to our mission has made them invaluable partners in our growth. After investing in Eddy Grid, Volve significantly enhanced our sales efforts by actively securing valuable leads. Their strategic contributions have been crucial in accelerating our market reach.”

Sam Rohn – Eddy Grid

" Post-investment, Volve rolled up their sleeves and added immediate value to the business. They were essential in helping us move from proof of concept to product-market fit. They’ve helped build our internal structures and outlined our growth engine.”

Justin Rijnberg – Conservio

“It’s more than cash – Volve truly believes in our vision, and we couldn’t ask for a better partner!"

Luuk Verhoeven – Stippl

Investment criteria


  • Pre-seed and (follow-on) Seed
  • First professional investor
  • No pre-product and pre-revenue stage


  • Generalist technology 
  • (future) Contribution to one or more SDGs


  • NeLux, DACH and Nordics 
  • Plus for Dutch-based ventures

Ticket Size

  • Initial ticket size €200 – 500K
  • Follow-on investments possible up to €1M



  • Lead or Co-lead investor
  • Opportunity to support portfolio company through our Operating Partners















“Innovation is brought by start and scale ups! The team of Volve combines dedication, market knowledge, successful entrepreneurship and hands on mentality. Key factors for success!”

Roelof Bijlsma – Advisory Board

“The Volve team is full of ambition and eagerness to make their fund a success and create as much impact in their portfolio. I will guide them throughout the process of running a fund.”

Mathieu Zwinkels – Advisory Board

“Volve embodies my philosophy of generating meaningful societal and environmental impact alongside financial growth. I will assist Volve to foster impact throughout the portfolio.”

Henk Jan Beltman – Advisory Board

All insights

Are you interested to see how we can support you? Let’s get in touch!